
The Slovak Farm Animal Veterinary Association, in collaboration with the Clinic of Ruminants at the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Košice, is delighted to invite you to the XXIV Middle European Buiatrics Congress, which will take place from May 7 – 10, 2025, at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Košice, Slovakia.

The scientific program and social events will focus on advancing the knowledge and skills of veterinary surgeons and stockbreeders in areas such as herd management, reproduction, nutrition, diagnostics, health management, and animal welfare for cattle and small ruminants. This event will also provide opportunities for networking and fostering collaboration among professionals in the field. We warmly encourage students in master's and postgraduate programs from veterinary and agricultural universities to participate. Students will have the chance to present their research in a dedicated session. Additionally, the congress will feature workshops on reproduction ultrasonography and the treatment of claw diseases.

The event will be hosted at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, with English as the official language. Lectures and poster sessions will be held on May 8 and 9, while on May 10, participants will have the opportunity to visit the Cathedral of St. Elizabeth. A diverse social program will also be available for accompanying persons, including tours of Košice's renowned landmarks.

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, we look forward to welcoming you to the XXIV MEBC in Košice, Slovakia!

October 30, 2024.

Prof. Dr. Pavol Mudroň, PhD., Dip. ECBHM


Pro­duc­tion dis­eases and health man­age­ment
Infec­tious and para­sit­ic dis­eases
Udder health
Clin­ic­al aspects of dis­eases


Slov­ak Farm Anim­al Veter­in­ary Asso­ci­ation
Clin­ic of Rumin­ants of Uni­ver­sity of Veter­in­ary Medi­cine and Phar­macy in Kosice

Local Organising Committee

Prof. Dr. Pavol Mudroň, PhD., Dip. ECBHM – pres­id­ent
Prof. Dr. Oskar Nagy, PhD., Dip. ECBHM
Prof. Dr. Jozef Bíreš, DrSc.
Dr. Ladis­lav Sto­dola
Dr. Radoslav Hanák
Dr. Csilla Tóthová, PhD.
Dr. Mar­ián Kadáši, PhD.
Dr. Simona Mekková

International Scientific Committee

Wal­ter Baumgart­ner (Aus­tria)
Josef Illek (Czech Repub­lic)
Alex­an­der Starke (Ger­many)
Otto Szenci (Hun­gary)
Arcan­gelo Gen­tile (Italy)
Przemyslaw Sobiech (Poland)
Ivan Amon (Slov­e­nia)


Double­Tree by Hilton Hotel Košice, Slov­akia 


Main hotel:
Double­Tree by Hilton Hotel (Hlavná 1, 040 01 Košice)

Rate includ­ing break­fast:
double room Stand­ard (occu­pied by 2 per­sons)  165 € / night
double room Stand­ard (occu­pied by 1 per­son)    145 € / night
City tax       3,50 € / person/ night
Park­ing          25 € / park­ing space / day

Park­ing can­not be reserved in advance, thank you for your understanding.

In order to book accom­mod­a­tion in Double­Tree by Hilton Hotel Košice, please, fill in the regis­tra­tion form.

Oth­er recom­men­ded hotels:
Hotel Ambas­sad­or **** (Hlavná 101, 040 01 Košice)
Boutique Hotel Bris­tol**** (Orlia 3, 040 01 Košice)
Hotel Glor­ia Palac Košice *** (Bottova 1, 040 01 Košice)
Zlatý Dukát**** (Hlavná 16, 040 01 Košice)

Book­ing and pay­ments for accom­mod­a­tion are made dir­ectly in recom­men­ded hotels.

Important Terms

Regis­tra­tion open­ing Janu­ary 7, 2025
Abstract sub­mis­sion Feb­ru­ary 28, 2025
Accept­ance declar­a­tion March 31, 2025
Full paper sub­mis­sion (vol­un­tary) April 10, 2025